At street level I've planted a window box. I've done it for the past four years or so. Almost 2 years ago I put in the evergreens so that it would not be barren in the winter and now I plant around their presence.
This season I started with pansies from the Greenmarket and then added some sweet potato vines from last summer that I wintered according to directions from Martha Stewart. Only one of them has returned. In addition I threw in a variety of Renee's flower and herb seeds, including fennel and basil that they were giving away at the market one Saturday along with some small marigold plants that were free for the taking.
I just decided to mix it all in - as I knew that once it got hot the pansies would get super leggy and finally wither. Then, throwing caution to the wind I added some volunteer tomatoes from the rooftop garden. I actually love imagining people's surprise when the tomatoes ripen.
Well about a month after the last of these additions, the box is as fecund as could be. The tomatoes are getting huge and a zinnia appeared from out of the blue. And then I noticed these cool vines from some seeds I had planted last year that never took off - I found them on line they are called Love-in-a-Puff Cardiospermum halicacabum.
The seed company Select Seeds says "This long-loved vine has acquired many names, including heart seed and balloon vine--all very accurate descriptions of this delightful variety. Buoyant light green inflated seed capsules follow the small white flowers. Inside each capsule reside three seeds, each marked with a perfect white heart. The delicate, finely cut leaves are borne on stems that reach 10-12'. Grown in the early 1800s." I just think they are completely magical and fun.
I think window boxes are a really cheerful street presence.